Creating a wedding budget makes sense if you are getting married soon. Most people do not have unlimited funds for this event, though, so you should certainly determine your priorities as this event draws near.
For most individuals, that involves the need for a wedding budget breakdown of not only how much money you have to spend but everything that you need to have as enjoyable and memorable of a wedding as possible. Let us run through some ways you can manage and adjust your wedding budget breakdown once you have it up and running.
1. Create a Price Range for Each Item
First, you will want to sit down with your fiance and discuss everything you need for the wedding. Fill out a spreadsheet. You can find free spreadsheets online, so this should cost you nothing. You will likely take some time to discuss things like the venue, the wedding dress, the tuxes, the caterer, the DJ, and so forth.
Next, you can Google how much each of these is likely to cost. Try to figure out how much everything on your list will cost on both the low end and the high end. This way, you can see whether the final price tag is close to the total amount you have budgeted. If it is, then you will know you’re in good shape.
2. Determine What Is Essential and Nonessential
Next, it makes sense to run through the spreadsheet and figure out what you want vs. what you need. You probably need things like rings and your wedding dress. You might have a fancy venue in mind, but what if you see that you are quickly running out of your allotted wedding money?
If you find that your money is running low, but you can cover everything you need, you might skip a couple of the items you would like to have, but that you deem to be nonessential after careful consideration. For instance, let’s say that you no longer feel like you can afford your dream venue. You might have the ceremony in a nice public park or even your backyard if you did not invite very many guests.
3. Have Multiple Options for Everything on Your List
It also makes sense to have multiple options for everything you put down on your spreadsheet. For example, you might get quotes for wedding rings from three or four jewelers. You can also have several wedding dress designs, each one at a different price point.
Having several choices can go a long way toward ensuring you do not run out of money as your wedding date draws near. You might have a particular vision for virtually every aspect of your wedding when you start planning. However, being practical about the situation is always going to be to your benefit when you start crunching the numbers.
Planning and Flexibility Make for Satisfactory Weddings
Getting married should be a time of joy and excitement in your life, and chances are, that’s just what it will be. However, there is sometimes an element of stress involved because of the many details that you and your fiance have to manage. You can counteract this with planning and flexibility.
Setting up a comprehensive spreadsheet with your fiance with a list of everything you will need is a sure way to make sure you do not forget anything. Between the two of you, you can feel like you are on top of all the smaller tasks that go into this monumental event.
Googling the average price of everything on your list should let you know whether the total amount you have set aside is realistic. The two of you can then figure out what is truly essential to celebrate your nuptials and what you might be okay doing without.
Finally, you can get multiple quotes for each item on that list. This way, you can pick a price for everything you need that you feel makes the most sense for your particular situation.
Remember that you can always go into debt for your wedding, and some people feel that is their best move. If you want something more grandiose, and you are intent on getting it, you might take out a short-term loan if you do not have the ready cash in hand. There are always plenty of nearby credit unions and banks that would be happy to accommodate you.
Another thing to consider while planning your wedding expenses is your overall financial future as a newly-married couple—especially since your newfound union and combined income could affect your tax bracket and filing status. So, be sure to research the 2025 income tax brackets to see where you might land as a married couple filing jointly. A shift in tax brackets can influence how much you owe (or get back) come tax season, so it’s helpful to factor that into your overall budgeting conversation.
However, most individuals who are getting married find that it is better to be practical about the event. The easiest way to do that is to be as organized as possible and to allow yourself some wiggle room when it comes to all the many details.