Who is helping you plan your wedding? Hopefully your partner is involved and you have support from a family member, close friend, or a wedding planner (or, you have a wonderful combination of those people!). As you plan your wedding, don’t forget to delegate tasks. Lean on your support system so that you don’t feel like you are handling everything on your own. Here are five tasks that you should delegate as you plan your wedding!
1. Confirming Reservations and Rentals
If you have a wedding planner, this is a great task to hand off to him or her! An event that is as important as a wedding deserves to be checked twice over. Ask your planner or special support person to call and confirm all bookings, appointments, and venue reservations leading up to your big day.
2. Any Physical Labor

This can be as simple as carrying a bucket of flowers to the backseat of a waiting car, or as major as climbing laddars to string up lights. Act as a visionary and leader for the people who are helping you make your dream come true, instead of doing the dirty work! Your friends and family will be more than happy to jump in and help.
3. Steps In Your D.I.Y. Project
Have a group of people that you enjoy spending time with help you with the D.I.Y. projects that you have in mind. This is a great way to spend time with the people you love, and if you delegate some of the monotonous steps, you won’t get burnt out! Getting crafty as you prepare for your D.I.Y. wedding is a great opportunity to gather with your friends
4. Tipping The Vendors
This is the last thing you want to be worried about as your wedding reception moves into the later hours. Delegate this task to a trusted friend or relative, so that you can dance the night away!
5. Detailed Travel Planning For Your Honeymoon
When you are so focused on your wedding, how in the world are you supposed to find the time to arrange for a rental car for your honey moon trip? This is a great task to delegate to a travel agent or your spouse!
Some people have a hard time delegating because they want to have total control over a situation. But isn’t keeping your sanity the first priority? Avoid a pre-wedding stress fest by delegating some of these key tasks. Do you think that you will be able to hand-off all five of these item? Why, or why not? Let me know in the comments below!