Feathers can be a staple of your boho chic wedding decor. Pop a few in a glass jar for a quick and easy DIY table centerpiece, hang them from dream catchers, or place one on top of each cloth napkin to perfect each place setting. To make feathers even more beautiful, add a bit of gold paint and shimmering glitter to the tip. Here’s how!
Step One: Gather Supplies and Set Up Your Space
Gather together your feathers, glitter, paint, a paint brush, and painter’s tape (masking tape will also work). Then, cover a work area with newspaper, to protect the surface from getting messy. Lay out your feathers, and apply the tape at the spot where you want the glitter and paint to stop, and the natural feather to begin. One third of the way down the feather looks nice. Apply the tape in a straight line across the feather, or even at a diagonal.
Step Two: Paint and Glitter
Once the tape is on, you will brush paint onto the feather in several thick coats. While the paint is still wet, shake on some glitter. Let this dry, flip the feather, and complete the other side.
Enjoy your pretty feathers! How do you plan on using them? Share your ideas in the comments section below!