There are many reasons that couples may prefer not to get gifts for their wedding, but often they are afraid of sounding rude or tacky when they request it! Gift-giving has an intricate weaving of cultural values tied up around it, and it is scary to cut through all of the cobwebs when you make your request. People love to think that they are helping a newly wed couple build a life together, and really want to support you on your journey. Your relatives and loved ones might ignore your direction and decide to give you something anyways, but at least you can try! Here are several great ideas for making your request politely.
1. “Your Presence Is The Present”

This little print out is a lovely way to introduce your request in a positive, polite, and subtle manner. Include this little slip of paper in your wedding invitation with no muss and no fuss!
2. Give Them Another Option

You may be a minimalist, or feel that you already have too much clutter around the house. However, you could request funding for some non-material item, such as your honeymoon, world travel, or a charity fund. A poem is a perfect way to make this request in a non-offensive way. There are many varieties of wishing well style poems. Choose one that directs funding to something that feels right to you.
3. Keep It Simple Silly

Use the magic word, “please”, and no one can accuse you of being rude. Right? Right. This would work best for a very informal gathering, like party for friends after a private elopement, or a family celebration after a courthouse wedding. Weddings are not always as uniform and standard as we tend to think! There are many unique situations, and many causes for celebration. This wording would not be suited for a formal, traditional wedding.
Since some people feel strongly that they want to give you gifts, it will help them to understand where you are coming from. Plant the seed behind your choice in a few of your closest pals’ ears. This way, your mom and best friend can explain to all of your other family members and friends the reasoning behind your request. Your favorite great aunt will feel much better about breaking tradition when she learns that you and your hubby are planning on moving to Bali in a year, and will only be taking a suitcase of clothing along on your adventure! Do you think that requesting no gifts is tacky, or are you excited to try it out? I’d love your feedback in the comments section below.