Edible Flowers for Your Wedding

by in , — Updated January 9, 2014

Using edible flowers in your wedding desserts, drinks, salads and even main dishes adds a unique element to your celebration. They add color, elegance, a bit of whimsy, and also have an interesting range of tastes. Search for what is in season in your area – your local farmers’ market is a great source for finding out what is available and they’ll often have much more variety than the grocery store. Always ask vendors how their flowers are grown (you don’t want to eat flowers that have been sprayed with pesticides!). You can also order edible flowers (fresh or crystallized, which are great for using atop desserts) from several sites online (Gourmet Sweet Botanicals, Marx Foods, Food Innovations). 

viola cupcakes

Herb flowers are some of my favorites because they’re very aromatic and are just as amazing with meat dishes as they are with desserts and cocktails. Plus they just have that wonderful rustic, just-picked-from-the-garden style about them. These would include basil blossoms, lavender flowers, savory blossoms, mint blossoms, rosemary flowers, fennel flowers to name a few. Try freezing mint blossoms and leaves into your ice cubes for delicious and refreshing drinks on a summer day.

Other edible flowers include (this is just a partial list): Arugula, Carnations, Calendula, Hibiscus (makes a delicious tea), Hollyhocks, Jasmine, Daisies, Lilacs, Marigolds, Lemon Verbena, Nasturtiums, Chrysanthemums, Chicory, Day Lilies, Lavender, Squash blossoms, Violets and Pansies.

Learn how to make lilac sugar on page 105 in issue 1 of our magazine.

Edible Flowers for Your Wedding 9
cocktails with real edible flowers
edible flowers for cupcakes
Edible Flowers for Your Wedding 10
little cheeses with edible flowers
ice cubes with edible flowers, lilac cake
Edible Flowers for Your Wedding 11
desserts with edible flowers
Popsicles with edible flowers

Edible Flowers for Your Wedding 12

1) Shop Terrain  2) The Taste Revelation  3) Martha Stewart Living  4) Weddingomania  5) Recipe Register  6) Good Housekeeping   7) The Alkaline Sisters  8) Weddingomania  9) Frank Weinart  10) New Dress 2014  11) Little Blue Dish (potted shrimp & viola appetizers)  12-13) Pinterest  14) Sprinkle Bakes (pansy pops)  15) Call Me Cupcake  16) Honestly Yum (bellini popsicles with edible flowers)

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